What's inside? Get the Cubase 10.5 template to speed up your workflow efficiently and get your creativity going fast.Too much time gets lost in the...
Regular price€29,00
What's inside? Get the fully stocked Audio Imperia JAEGER Cubase template, fully routed, set up and ready to render. The project file comes with a demo composition (for...
Regular price€45,00
What's inside? Get the Studio One template to speed up your workflow efficiently and get your creativity going fast.Too much time gets lost during the creative process...
Regular price€29,00
What's inside? Get the fully equipped CTO East West Hollywood OPUS Cubase template, fully routed, set up and ready to render. The project file comes with a demo composition...
Regular price€49,00
The CTO DE Scoring Template? This template has been grown/developed over several years working in the field of Production Music and Scoring with the aim...
Regular price€189,00
What's inside? This template is aimed at speeding up your workflow and get you into writing quickly without worrying about setting up Routings, Folders, Fx...
Regular price€99,00
What's inside? This template is aimed at speeding up your workflow and get you into writing quickly without worrying about setting up Routings, Folders, Fx...
Regular price€99,00
The CTO DE Scoring Template? This template has been grown/developed over several years working in the field of Production Music and Scoring with the aim...