The CTO DE Scoring Template? This template has been grown/developed over several years working in the field of Production Music and Scoring with the aim of speed and efficiency and to be able to have the shortest distance from musical idea to client delivery.One of the key features for me...

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The CTO DE Scoring Template?

This template has been grown/developed over several years working in the field of Production Music and Scoring with the aim of speed and efficiency and to be able to have the shortest distance from musical idea to client delivery.
One of the key features for me was, to have a basic sound aesthetic out of the box that works without going too deep into the necessities of additional mixing/tweaking.
While I strongly believe that 90% of “mixing” is more a question of a tracks arrangement and orchestration I still have found a lot of “issues” with sampled instruments and their inherent frequency stacking. Over the years I realized that I had to dial in certain EQ settings again and again to avoid this issue and clean up my mixes.
I am in no way claiming that this template gives you a radio ready result, as a lot of the necessary mixing steps still depend substantially on the actual track you’re writing (style, key, instrumentation etc) but I believe it serves as a solid starting point for a “cleaner” mix out of the box.

Here are some of the key points of what’s included:

  • Roughly 500 instrument tracks of my most used / favorite sample libraries preloaded and deactivated.
  • SOUND VARIATIONS for Keyswitch patches where applicable.
  • Every single instrument has at minimum an instance of Slate Virtual Mixrack (using VCC Channel for a mixer channel emulation, sometimes other modules like EQ or Compressors as well) and an instance of Fabfilter Pro Q3 with my personal settings to clean up the sound.
  • Built In sophisticated STEM MASTERING system, meaning when printing your track to stereo and printing stems, the sum of the stems will be 100% identical to the stereo master.
  • Pre-set up Reverb settings per instrument based on my own preferences, easy to adapt to your own sound ideals
  • An assortment of four little demo projects, all done without additional mixing, they all are just using the sound of the template (all demo projects are disabled and "Bounced in place" to avoid ongoing missing samples dialogs - you can then enable instruments one at a time)


This template does not come with any of the sample libraries included, you need to own them yourself and have them installed on your system or in case you don’t own the ones used in the template you'll need to replace them with libraries you do own to make this template work.

Please note that changing sample libraries may alter the effect of the included plugin chains, so you’ll likely need to adapt the plugin settings to the sound of your libraries.

This is a very demanding template that requires some significant system resources. I personally run this on an Intel i9 12900 Processor with 128 GB of RAM. I would recommend 32GB of RAM as a minimum, better 64GB.

The majority of instrument tracks are using Kontakt 7, which allows for instance wide purging for the sake of saving on RAM resources. Every single instrument is its own single VSTi instance which makes for easy render in place to free up additional resources on CPU and RAM.

While Kontakt Player libraries will load without problems upon track activation, non Player libraries will most likely give you missing files message upon activation - meaning you’ll need to redirect Kontakt to the file path where you have stored said library on your system.

Orchestral Tools SINE patches will likely load up empty, I’ll include a list with the instruments settings in this document, they need to be manually loaded. Unless specified otherwise these patches will use the TREE Mic position.

All the included DEMO sessions / compositions are for learning and study purposes only. You must not use them commercially in any capacity.

Please check out the MANUAL

Listen to the included demo track (session in purchase included)





Initial Release

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